S | Re:Versi - Move Analysis for Reversi | Leo Merholz, Pascal Schärli | Alexander Viand | AS 18 |
M | Differentially Private Decentralized Machine Learning Framework | Alexandre Connat | Alexander Viand | SS 19 |
M | Design & Evaluation of an Accessible High-Level Language for Advanced Cryptography | Ulla Aeschbacher | Alexander Viand | AS 19 |
M | Analysis, Design and Implementation of Advanced Optimization Strategies for the Marble FHE Compiler | Patrick Jattke | Alexander Viand | AS 19 |
B | Improving the Marble Fully Homomorphic Encryption Framework | Mario Stöckli | Alexander Viand | AS 19 |
M | Variational Autoencoder KnowledgeTransfer | Matthias Niederberger | David Sommer,Alexander Viand | AS 19 |